OM Veda Home

An authentic Indian place helping you to feel better or to be simply who you really are.

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What we do

Private sessions

Each private session is customized according to your physical and emotional state and well being.

Group sessions

We are also providing group sessions to practice yoga and meditation with affordable prices.

Online sessions

We provide online regular sessions to sustain the mental and spiritual wellness despite the storms of the life.


For those looking for a more intense and authentic immersion, we organize wellness retreats in India and Europe.

Discover-us on Marie Claire

Coaching individuel ou ateliers de groupe, yoga, reiki, méditation, voyance, massage, hypnose ou coaching holistique : Ruhi Ahluwalia, coach en loi d’attraction et énergéticienne, déploie tout son savoir-faire et ses techniques pour permettre à ses clients de vivre sainement et avec joie.
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I acknowledge and I am very happy of all that we have already accomplished so far.

How we do

The OM Veda Home way of healing is built around several practices certified by Swiss and other international organizations.


Voyance & Tarot

Get a clear perspective on your life with Tarot and Voyance, your path to the future.


Yoga & Meditation

Physical, mental, and spiritual practices that aims to transform body, mind and soul.


LOA and Hoʻoponopono Coaching

Transform your daily life with our online Law of Attraction and Hoʻoponopono program.


Ericksonian Hypnosis

Unlock your potential and reach your goals with Ericksonian Hypnosis.



Open the door to the beyond and make a spiritual connection with Mediumship.



Find inner harmony through Reiki, a journey of healing and peace.


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Discover your emotional roots and find your inner peace with Regression Hypnosis.


Ayurvedic foot Massage

The Ayurvedic foot massage is a traditional massage coming from the roots of ayurveda.

The online sessions

We provide online regular sessions to sustain the mental and spiritual wellness despite the storms of the life.


Meditation - Online Mental and Spiritual wellness

A mix of occidental and indian techniques to sustain and balance our mental and spiritual needs.

How much

Suitable for all wallets.


We offer suitable tariffs for all wallets starting from 30 CHF to 150 CHF.


Fidelity prepaid cards and subscriptions are available at affordable prices starting at 135 CHF.


For students, unemployed people and invalids, we offer a discount of 20%.

Thanks to OM Veda Home for its precious help that I enjoyed.