{ "relative_path": "online/_index.en.md", "content": "", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/en/online/", "ancestors": [ "_index.en.md" ], "title": "Online", "description": null, "extra": { "screen": "online" }, "path": "/en/online/", "components": [ "en", "online" ], "toc": [], "word_count": 0, "reading_time": 0, "lang": "en", "assets": [], "pages": [ { "relative_path": "online/energy_cleansing_advanced.en.md", "content": "<p>Come and clean all negative energies creating blockages in the field of health, career, relationships and money at a very deep level.</p>\n<p>Every day for 20 minutes, I will be working with a group of 10 people maximum to clear negative energies in the field of health, relationship, career amd money.</p>\n<p>Usually, a new Energy Cleansing Advanced Cycle held every four weeks from Monday to Thursday.\nThe daily sessions held on Zoom and last 20 minutes.\nTo join the advanced group, please refer to the information of respective groups.</p>\n<div class=\"content\">\n <h3>French</h3>\n <p>Usually, the sessions schedule follows the planning below:</p>\n<table><thead><tr><th>Day</th><th>Swiss Time</th></tr></thead><tbody>\n<tr><td>Monday</td><td>08:35 pm - 08:55 pm</td></tr>\n<tr><td>Tuesday</td><td>08:35 pm - 08:55 pm</td></tr>\n<tr><td>Wednesday</td><td>06:00 pm - 06:20 pm</td></tr>\n<tr><td>Thursday</td><td>08:35 pm - 08:55 pm</td></tr>\n</tbody></table>\n<p>Once the payment is validated, the cycle will start the day after and ends after 4 weeks (with 4 daily sessions per week).\nEach day, you will receive an email with the connection details.</p>\n\n <div class=\"mt-1\">\n <a class=\"button is-primary\" target=\"_blank\"\n href=\"https://buy.stripe.com/8wM5ku0zF43jgIUfZb\"\n data-event-name=\"open_stripe\"\n data-event-category=\"program\"\n data-event-productid=\"8wM5ku0zF43jgIUfZb\"\n data-event-label=\"French\">\n Join the French group\n </a>\n </div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"content\">\n <h3>English</h3>\n <p>Usually, the sessions schedule follows the planning below:</p>\n<table><thead><tr><th>Day</th><th>India Time</th><th>Swiss Time</th></tr></thead><tbody>\n<tr><td>Monday</td><td>09:30 pm - 09:50 pm</td><td>06:00 pm - 06:20 pm</td></tr>\n<tr><td>Tuesday</td><td>09:00 pm - 09:20 pm</td><td>05:30 pm - 05:20 pm</td></tr>\n<tr><td>Wednesday</td><td>09:00 pm - 09:20 pm</td><td>05:30 pm - 05:50 pm</td></tr>\n<tr><td>Thursday</td><td>09:30 pm - 09:50 pm</td><td>06:00 pm - 06:20 pm</td></tr>\n</tbody></table>\n<p>Once the payment is validated, the cycle will start the day after and ends after 4 weeks (with 4 daily sessions per week).\nEach day, you will receive an email with the connection details.</p>\n\n <div class=\"mt-1\">\n <a class=\"button is-primary\" target=\"_blank\"\n href=\"https://buy.stripe.com/7sIaEO8279nD0JW4gh\"\n data-event-name=\"open_stripe\"\n data-event-category=\"program\"\n data-event-productid=\"7sIaEO8279nD0JW4gh\"\n data-event-label=\"English\">\n Join the English group\n </a>\n </div>\n</div>\n", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/en/online/energy-cleansing-advanced/", "slug": "energy-cleansing-advanced", "ancestors": [ "_index.en.md", "online/_index.en.md" ], "title": "Energy Cleansing Advanced Cycle", "description": "Come and learn to clean negative energies to enable success.", "updated": null, "date": null, "year": null, "month": null, "day": null, "taxonomies": {}, "extra": { "screen": "energy_cleansing", "main_page": false }, "path": "/en/online/energy-cleansing-advanced/", "components": [ "en", "online", "energy-cleansing-advanced" ], "summary": null, "toc": [], "word_count": 283, "reading_time": 2, "assets": [], "draft": false, "lang": "en", "lighter": null, "heavier": null, "earlier": null, "later": null, "translations": [ { "lang": "fr", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/online/energy-cleansing-advanced/", "title": "Cycle avancé de nettoyage énergétique", "path": "/builds/tmorin/omvedahome/content/online/energy_cleansing_advanced.md" } ] }, { "relative_path": "online/energy_cleansing_basic.en.md", "content": "<p>Please join the respective Whatsapp Group to get the right information at the right moment.</p>\n<div class=\"content\">\n <h3>French</h3>\n <div class=\"mt-1\">\n <a class=\"button is-primary\" target=\"_blank\"\n href=\"https://chat.whatsapp.com/DPd2kBmHZggKsFxAapeMgD\"\n data-event-name=\"open_whatsapp\"\n data-event-category=\"program\"\n data-event-groupid=\"DPd2kBmHZggKsFxAapeMgD\"\n data-event-label=\"French\">\n Join the French Whatsapp Group\n </a>\n </div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"content\">\n <h3>English</h3>\n <div class=\"mt-1\">\n <a class=\"button is-primary\" target=\"_blank\"\n href=\"https://chat.whatsapp.com/IXPZe4i9Zus6SWXw9dgXUx\"\n data-event-name=\"open_whatsapp\"\n data-event-category=\"program\"\n data-event-groupid=\"IXPZe4i9Zus6SWXw9dgXUx\"\n data-event-label=\"English\">\n Join the English Whatsapp Group\n </a>\n </div>\n</div>\n", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/en/online/energy-cleansing-basic/", "slug": "energy-cleansing-basic", "ancestors": [ "_index.en.md", "online/_index.en.md" ], "title": "Energy Cleansing Basic Cycle", "description": "Negative energy cleansing 20 minutes per day for 4 days.", "updated": null, "date": null, "year": null, "month": null, "day": null, "taxonomies": {}, "extra": { "screen": "energy_cleansing", "main_page": false }, "path": "/en/online/energy-cleansing-basic/", "components": [ "en", "online", "energy-cleansing-basic" ], "summary": null, "toc": [], "word_count": 37, "reading_time": 1, "assets": [], "draft": false, "lang": "en", "lighter": null, "heavier": null, "earlier": null, "later": null, "translations": [ { "lang": "fr", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/online/energy-cleansing-basic/", "title": "Cycle de base de nettoyage énergétique", "path": "/builds/tmorin/omvedahome/content/online/energy_cleansing_basic.md" } ] }, { "relative_path": "online/energy_cleansing_face2face.en.md", "content": "<p>30 minutes, 3 times a week, for 4 weeks, I will work with you and focus only on your problems in order to eliminate negative energies.</p>\n<div class=\"content\">\n <h3>French</h3>\n <p>Once the payment is validated, a coupon will be issued and sent to you.\nWith this coupon you will be able to plan your-self the face to face sessions with Ruhi.</p>\n\n <div class=\"mt-1\">\n <a class=\"button is-primary\" target=\"_blank\"\n href=\"https://buy.stripe.com/7sIdR082757ncsE8wH\"\n data-event-name=\"open_stripe\"\n data-event-category=\"program\"\n data-event-productid=\"7sIdR082757ncsE8wH\"\n data-event-label=\"French\">\n Plan face to face sessions\n </a>\n </div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"content\">\n <h3>English</h3>\n <p>Once the payment is validated, a coupon will be issued and sent to you.\nWith this coupon you will be able to plan your-self the face to face sessions with Ruhi.</p>\n\n <div class=\"mt-1\">\n <a class=\"button is-primary\" target=\"_blank\"\n href=\"https://buy.stripe.com/3cs14ecin57n64gdQX\"\n data-event-name=\"open_stripe\"\n data-event-category=\"program\"\n data-event-productid=\"3cs14ecin57n64gdQX\"\n data-event-label=\"English\">\n Plan face to face sessions\n </a>\n </div>\n</div>\n", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/en/online/energy-cleansing-face2face/", "slug": "energy-cleansing-face2face", "ancestors": [ "_index.en.md", "online/_index.en.md" ], "title": "Face to face Energy Cleansing Cycle", "description": "Come and learn to clean negative energies to enable success with face to face sessions.", "updated": null, "date": null, "year": null, "month": null, "day": null, "taxonomies": {}, "extra": { "screen": "energy_cleansing", "main_page": false }, "path": "/en/online/energy-cleansing-face2face/", "components": [ "en", "online", "energy-cleansing-face2face" ], "summary": null, "toc": [], "word_count": 114, "reading_time": 1, "assets": [], "draft": false, "lang": "en", "lighter": null, "heavier": null, "earlier": null, "later": null, "translations": [ { "lang": "fr", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/online/energy-cleansing-face2face/", "title": "Cycle de nettoyage énergétique en face à face", "path": "/builds/tmorin/omvedahome/content/online/energy_cleansing_face2face.md" } ] }, { "relative_path": "online/energy_cleansing_introduction.en.md", "content": "<p>Please join the respective Whatsapp Group to get the right information at the right moment.</p>\n<div class=\"content\">\n <h3>French</h3>\n <div class=\"mt-1\">\n <a class=\"button is-primary\" target=\"_blank\"\n href=\"https://chat.whatsapp.com/DPd2kBmHZggKsFxAapeMgD\"\n data-event-name=\"open_whatsapp\"\n data-event-category=\"program\"\n data-event-groupid=\"DPd2kBmHZggKsFxAapeMgD\"\n data-event-label=\"French\">\n Join the French Whatsapp Group\n </a>\n </div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"content\">\n <h3>English</h3>\n <div class=\"mt-1\">\n <a class=\"button is-primary\" target=\"_blank\"\n href=\"https://chat.whatsapp.com/IXPZe4i9Zus6SWXw9dgXUx\"\n data-event-name=\"open_whatsapp\"\n data-event-category=\"program\"\n data-event-groupid=\"IXPZe4i9Zus6SWXw9dgXUx\"\n data-event-label=\"English\">\n Join the English Whatsapp Group\n </a>\n </div>\n</div>\n", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/en/online/energy-cleansing-introduction/", "slug": "energy-cleansing-introduction", "ancestors": [ "_index.en.md", "online/_index.en.md" ], "title": "Energy Cleansing Introduction", "description": "Join an online free healing session to feel better and discover the program.", "updated": null, "date": null, "year": null, "month": null, "day": null, "taxonomies": {}, "extra": { "screen": "energy_cleansing", "main_page": false }, "path": "/en/online/energy-cleansing-introduction/", "components": [ "en", "online", "energy-cleansing-introduction" ], "summary": null, "toc": [], "word_count": 37, "reading_time": 1, "assets": [], "draft": false, "lang": "en", "lighter": null, "heavier": null, "earlier": null, "later": null, "translations": [ { "lang": "fr", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/online/energy-cleansing-introduction/", "title": "Introduction au nettoyage énergétique", "path": "/builds/tmorin/omvedahome/content/online/energy_cleansing_introduction.md" } ] }, { "relative_path": "online/loa_application.en.md", "content": "<p>A new cycle takes place every four weeks, Monday through Friday.\nDaily sessions are held on Zoom and last 15 minutes.\nTo join the group, please refer to the information below.</p>\n<div class=\"content\">\n <h3>French</h3>\n <p>In general, the session schedule follows the schedule below:</p>\n<table><thead><tr><th>Day</th><th>Swiss time</th></tr></thead><tbody>\n<tr><td>Monday</td><td>09h00 pm - 09h15 pm</td></tr>\n<tr><td>Tuesday</td><td></td></tr>\n<tr><td>Wednesday</td><td></td></tr>\n<tr><td>Thursday</td><td>09h00 pm - 09h15 pm</td></tr>\n<tr><td>Friday</td><td></td></tr>\n</tbody></table>\n<p>Once the payment is validated, the cycle will start the next day and will end after 4 weeks (with 2 daily sessions per week).\nEvery day, you will receive an email with the connection details.</p>\n\n <div class=\"mt-1\">\n <a class=\"button is-primary\" target=\"_blank\"\n href=\"https://buy.stripe.com/aEU14e8279nD50c7sJ\"\n data-event-name=\"open_stripe\"\n data-event-category=\"program\"\n data-event-productid=\"aEU14e8279nD50c7sJ\"\n data-event-label=\"French\">\n Join the French group\n </a>\n </div>\n</div>\n", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/en/online/loa-application/", "slug": "loa-application", "ancestors": [ "_index.en.md", "online/_index.en.md" ], "title": "Advanced Law of Attraction Cycle", "description": "Come and learn how to apply the Law of Attraction in your daily life.", "updated": null, "date": null, "year": null, "month": null, "day": null, "taxonomies": {}, "extra": { "screen": "loa", "main_page": false }, "path": "/en/online/loa-application/", "components": [ "en", "online", "loa-application" ], "summary": null, "toc": [], "word_count": 102, "reading_time": 1, "assets": [], "draft": false, "lang": "en", "lighter": null, "heavier": null, "earlier": null, "later": null, "translations": [ { "lang": "fr", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/online/loa-application/", "title": "Cycle avancé de la Loi d'Attraction", "path": "/builds/tmorin/omvedahome/content/online/loa_application.md" } ] }, { "relative_path": "online/loa_face2face.en.md", "content": "<p>15 minutes, twice a week, for 4 weeks, I will work with you on your application of the Law of Attraction.</p>\n<div class=\"content\">\n <h3>French</h3>\n <p>Once the payment is validated, a coupon will be issued and sent to you.\nWith this coupon, you will be able to schedule face-to-face sessions with Ruhi yourself.</p>\n\n <div class=\"mt-1\">\n <a class=\"button is-primary\" target=\"_blank\"\n href=\"https://buy.stripe.com/9AQaEOdmrczP9gs00j\"\n data-event-name=\"open_stripe\"\n data-event-category=\"program\"\n data-event-productid=\"9AQaEOdmrczP9gs00j\"\n data-event-label=\"French\">\n Plan face-to-face sessions\n </a>\n </div>\n</div>\n", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/en/online/loa-face2face/", "slug": "loa-face2face", "ancestors": [ "_index.en.md", "online/_index.en.md" ], "title": "Apply the Law of Attraction with face-to-face sessions", "description": "Come learn how to apply the Law of Attraction in your daily life with face-to-face sessions.", "updated": null, "date": null, "year": null, "month": null, "day": null, "taxonomies": {}, "extra": { "screen": "loa", "main_page": false }, "path": "/en/online/loa-face2face/", "components": [ "en", "online", "loa-face2face" ], "summary": null, "toc": [], "word_count": 63, "reading_time": 1, "assets": [], "draft": false, "lang": "en", "lighter": null, "heavier": null, "earlier": null, "later": null, "translations": [ { "lang": "fr", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/online/loa-face2face/", "title": "Appliquez la Loi d'Attraction avec des séances en face à face", "path": "/builds/tmorin/omvedahome/content/online/loa_face2face.md" } ] }, { "relative_path": "online/loa_introduction.en.md", "content": "<p>Please join the corresponding Whatsapp group to get the right information at the right time.</p>\n<div class=\"content\">\n <h3>French</h3>\n <div class=\"mt-1\">\n <a class=\"button is-primary\" target=\"_blank\"\n href=\"https://chat.whatsapp.com/Kr4iqxm0kp5K0xIr39SKQt\"\n data-event-name=\"open_whatsapp\"\n data-event-category=\"program\"\n data-event-groupid=\"Kr4iqxm0kp5K0xIr39SKQt\"\n data-event-label=\"French\">\n Join the French Whatsapp group\n </a>\n </div>\n</div>\n", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/en/online/loa-introduction/", "slug": "loa-introduction", "ancestors": [ "_index.en.md", "online/_index.en.md" ], "title": "Introduction to the Law of Attraction", "description": "Join us for a free online introduction to the benefits of the Law of Attraction.", "updated": null, "date": null, "year": null, "month": null, "day": null, "taxonomies": {}, "extra": { "screen": "loa", "main_page": false }, "path": "/en/online/loa-introduction/", "components": [ "en", "online", "loa-introduction" ], "summary": null, "toc": [], "word_count": 26, "reading_time": 1, "assets": [], "draft": false, "lang": "en", "lighter": null, "heavier": null, "earlier": null, "later": null, "translations": [ { "lang": "fr", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/online/loa-introduction/", "title": "Introduction à la Loi d'Attraction", "path": "/builds/tmorin/omvedahome/content/online/loa_introduction.md" } ] }, { "relative_path": "online/loa_practice.en.md", "content": "<p>Participate in Ruhi's unique high energy style to manifest your dreams.\nThis practice 4 times a week will lift your vibration leaving you with high energy to attract high quality goals.</p>\n<p>Daily sessions are held on Zoom and last 15 minutes.\nTo subscribe, please refer to the information below.</p>\n<div class=\"content\">\n <h3>French</h3>\n <p>In general, the session schedule follows the schedule below:</p>\n<table><thead><tr><th>Day</th><th>Swiss time</th></tr></thead><tbody>\n<tr><td>Monday</td><td>05h45 pm - 06h00 pm</td></tr>\n<tr><td>Tuesday</td><td>05h45 pm - 06h00 pm</td></tr>\n<tr><td>Wednesday</td><td>05h45 pm - 06h00 pm</td></tr>\n<tr><td>Thursday</td><td>05h45 pm - 06h00 pm</td></tr>\n</tbody></table>\n<p>The sessions are available for monthly subscribers.</p>\n<ul>\n<li>From Monday to Thursday, an email will be sent with the details of Zoom connection.</li>\n<li>Then, at the end of the session, another email will be sent giving access to the recording.</li>\n</ul>\n\n <div class=\"mt-1\">\n <a class=\"button is-primary\" target=\"_blank\"\n href=\"https://buy.stripe.com/eVa6oy4PV7fvfEQfZd\"\n data-event-name=\"open_stripe\"\n data-event-category=\"program\"\n data-event-productid=\"eVa6oy4PV7fvfEQfZd\"\n data-event-label=\"French\">\n Sign up with Stripe\n </a>\n </div>\n</div>\n<h3 id=\"conditions\">Conditions</h3>\n<ul>\n<li>The subscriptions are managed by <a href=\"https://stripe.com\">Stripe</a>.</li>\n<li>A subscription is based on a monthly payment automatically managed by <a href=\"https://stripe.com\">Stripe</a>.</li>\n<li>A subscription doesn't have duration.</li>\n<li>A subscription can be stopped at any time, but no refund are available.</li>\n<li>If a payment fails, the access to the sessions is suspended as long as the payment is done.</li>\n<li>The sessions will be held at least 45 weeks over a year.</li>\n</ul>\n", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/en/online/loa-practice/", "slug": "loa-practice", "ancestors": [ "_index.en.md", "online/_index.en.md" ], "title": "Practice the Law of Attraction daily.", "description": "Come and practice the Law of Attraction in group.", "updated": null, "date": null, "year": null, "month": null, "day": null, "taxonomies": {}, "extra": { "screen": "loa", "main_page": false }, "path": "/en/online/loa-practice/", "components": [ "en", "online", "loa-practice" ], "summary": null, "toc": [ { "level": 3, "id": "conditions", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/en/online/loa-practice/#conditions", "title": "Conditions", "children": [] } ], "word_count": 202, "reading_time": 2, "assets": [], "draft": false, "lang": "en", "lighter": null, "heavier": null, "earlier": null, "later": null, "translations": [ { "lang": "fr", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/online/loa-practice/", "title": "Miracle au quotidien avec Ruhi", "path": "/builds/tmorin/omvedahome/content/online/loa_practice.md" } ] }, { "relative_path": "online/mental_spiritual_wellness.en.md", "content": "<h2 id=\"presentation\">Presentation</h2>\n<p>Discover inner peace with our online meditation course.\nJoin us for 30 minutes of meditation, twice a week and improve your mental and emotional well-being.\nEach course is available as a replay for 7 days for maximum flexibility.\nSubscribe now for only 100 CHF per month.\nAchieve your inner balance with our online course</p>\n<h2 id=\"the-pros\">The pros</h2>\n<ol>\n<li>Reduction of stress and anxiety</li>\n<li>Improved concentration and determination</li>\n<li>Increased emotional balance and inner peace</li>\n<li>Improved sleep quality</li>\n<li>Stimulation of the immune system and overall mental health.</li>\n</ol>\n<h2 id=\"practicing-meditation\">Practicing meditation</h2>\n<p>Improve your quality of life with meditation!\nReduce stress, increase concentration and emotional well-being.\nDiscover how meditation can help you better manage the challenges of daily life and achieve a state of inner peace.\nTry it now and see the benefits for yourself.</p>\n<h2 id=\"join-us\">Join-us</h2>\n<p>Get a more peaceful and balanced life by signing up for our online meditation class subscription.\nWith only a 1-month commitment, you'll enjoy the flexibility to practice meditation whenever and wherever you want.\nAnd the best part is that your subscription will automatically renew each month for a continuous meditation experience.\nJoin now for a calmer, more peaceful life.</p>\n<p>The usual schedule is:</p>\n<table><thead><tr><th>Day</th><th>Swiss Time</th></tr></thead><tbody>\n<tr><td>Monday</td><td>08h:00 pm - 08h:30 pm</td></tr>\n<tr><td>Thursday</td><td>08h:00 pm - 08h:30 pm</td></tr>\n</tbody></table>\n<p>The sessions are primarily conducted in French.\nHowever, clarifications in english can be given if needed.</p>\n<div class=\"content\">\n <h3>How to join?</h3>\n <p>The sessions are available for monthly subscribers.</p>\n<ul>\n<li>From Mondays to Thursdays, an email will be sent with the details of Zoom connection.</li>\n<li>Then, at the end of the session, another email will be sent giving access to the recording.</li>\n</ul>\n\n <div class=\"mt-1\">\n <a class=\"button is-primary\" target=\"_blank\"\n href=\"https://buy.stripe.com/14keV4bej1VbdwIfZ7\"\n data-event-name=\"open_stripe\"\n data-event-category=\"program\"\n data-event-productid=\"14keV4bej1VbdwIfZ7\"\n data-event-label=\"How to join?\">\n Subscribe with Stripe\n </a>\n </div>\n</div>\n<h2 id=\"conditions\">Conditions</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>The subscriptions are managed by <a href=\"https://stripe.com\">Stripe</a>.</li>\n<li>A subscription is based on a monthly payment automatically managed by <a href=\"https://stripe.com\">Stripe</a>.</li>\n<li>A subscription doesn't have duration.</li>\n<li>A subscription can be stopped at any time on the <a href=\"https://billing.stripe.com/p/login/5kA4hG7LSbMw3iU9AA\">Customer portal</a>, but no refund are available.</li>\n<li>If a payment fails, the access to the sessions is suspended as long as the payment is done.</li>\n<li>The sessions will be held at least 45 weeks over a year.</li>\n</ul>\n", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/en/online/mental-spiritual-wellness/", "slug": "mental-spiritual-wellness", "ancestors": [ "_index.en.md", "online/_index.en.md" ], "title": "Meditation - Online Mental and Spiritual wellness", "description": "A mix of occidental and indian techniques to sustain and balance our mental and spiritual needs.", "updated": null, "date": null, "year": null, "month": null, "day": null, "taxonomies": {}, "extra": { "screen": "mental_spiritual_wellness", "main_page": true }, "path": "/en/online/mental-spiritual-wellness/", "components": [ "en", "online", "mental-spiritual-wellness" ], "summary": null, "toc": [ { "level": 2, "id": "presentation", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/en/online/mental-spiritual-wellness/#presentation", "title": "Presentation", "children": [] }, { "level": 2, "id": "the-pros", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/en/online/mental-spiritual-wellness/#the-pros", "title": "The pros", "children": [] }, { "level": 2, "id": "practicing-meditation", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/en/online/mental-spiritual-wellness/#practicing-meditation", "title": "Practicing meditation", "children": [] }, { "level": 2, "id": "join-us", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/en/online/mental-spiritual-wellness/#join-us", "title": "Join-us", "children": [] }, { "level": 2, "id": "conditions", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/en/online/mental-spiritual-wellness/#conditions", "title": "Conditions", "children": [] } ], "word_count": 366, "reading_time": 2, "assets": [], "draft": false, "lang": "en", "lighter": null, "heavier": null, "earlier": null, "later": null, "translations": [ { "lang": "fr", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/online/mental-spiritual-wellness/", "title": "Méditation - Bien-être Mental et Spirituel en ligne", "path": "/builds/tmorin/omvedahome/content/online/mental_spiritual_wellness.md" } ] } ], "subsections": [], "translations": [ { "lang": "fr", "permalink": "https://omvedahome.ch/online/", "title": "En ligne", "path": "/builds/tmorin/omvedahome/content/online/_index.md" } ] }